Organizational Structure
Board of Directors
Coral S.A.'s Board of Directors is composed as follows:
John V. Vardinoyannis, Chairman of the B.o.D - executive member
Born in 1962. Studied Economics at VASSAR COLLEGE. He was elected president of the Board of Directors of the company in 2010, a position he holds to this day.
Kirki Kalantzi, General Manager - executive B.o.D member
Born in 1970. Studied Chemical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens.
She joined the workforce of Shell Hellas in April 1994 and worked in a series of marketing and sales positions in Greece and abroad.
Since November 2024, she has held the position of General Manager of Coral S.A.
Ioannis Ε. Kalogirou - executive B.o.D member
He was born in 1965 and holds a BSc in Business and a MBA in Marketing from the University of New Haven (USA). He joined Motor Oil in June 2022 as General Manager of Commercial Subsidiaries, bringing 30 years of senior management experience in leading international companies. He has a deep understanding of brands and consumers, and extensive knowledge of many markets across the world.
John Ν. Kosmadakis - Non executive B.o.D member
He was born in 1952 and holds a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens. He has been working with Motor Oil (Hellas) AE since 1978 where from 1998 until 2018 he was the General Manager of Trading & Supply, a member of the Board of Directors since 1998 and one of the Deputy Managing Directors since 2005. Furthermore, Mr I. Kosmadakis is a member of the Sustainability Committee of Motor Oil .
Petros T. Tzannetakis - Non executive B.o.D member
Born in 1955. He studied Economics at Surrey University and has a Masters Degree in European Union Finance from Sussex University. He is Deputy Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer of MOTOR OIL (Hellas) AE.
Michalis Liaros - Non executive B.o.D member
Born in 1958. He is a Mechanical Engineer BSc of the University of London and holds a MSc of the University of Bath. He is also an Insead Business School graduate. He is an energy professional leader with strong record of International experience and exposure in Energy sector, Downstream oil and Gas, Supply and Trading and extensive Board service over the last 37 years in Greek and Multinational companies.
Loukas Tripelopoulos - Non executive B.o.D member
He was born in 1974. He is a graduate of the Athens University of Economics and Business (formerly Athens Graduate School of Economics and Business Sciences), holds an MSc from the University of Stirling (Stirling, Scotland) and is a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). He has 25 years of working experience in Greece and abroad in the refining and upstream sectors. He has been working at the MOTOR OIL Group since December 1999.
Michael D. Bitzios - Non executive B.o.D member and Board Secretary
Born in 1984. He is a graduate of the Law School of the Democritus University of Thrace with postgraduate studies in Private International law (UoA), Ιnternational and European Energy law (DUTH) and postgraduate training in commercial negotiations (Harvard LS, MA). Since 2020 he is the head of the Legal Department of Motor Oil Group Commercial Fuel Companies.
Ourania Ekaterinari - Independent Non-Executive BoD Member
She holds a degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MBA from City University Business School in London. She has over 25-years of professional experience. She was CEO and executive member of the Board of the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A. and previously Deputy CEO and executive member of the Board and of the Management Committee of Public Power Corporation S.A. Rania was also a Partner in the international consulting company Ernst & Young (EY) in the Financial Advisory Services division while she was energy sector leader for Southeast Europe. During the decade 2001-2010 she worked as an executive in large financial corporations – BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank and Eurobank- in Corporate & Investment Banking in Greece and abroad. She began her career in London working for Texaco in business development investments in the oil and energy sector in the Caspian region. She has been member of the Hellenic Corporate Governance Council (HCGC) and member of the Council of Competitiveness in Greece. Since June 2021 she is an Independent Non-Executive Board Member and Chair of the Remuneration & Nomination Committee of the Company. In addition, she is an Independent non-executive member of the Board of the listed on the ATHEX company ELVALHALCOR HELLENIC COPPER & ALUMINIUM IND. S.A. and a non-executive member of the HELLENIC ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION NETWORK OPERATOR S.A.
Spyridon C. Kyritsis - Independent Non-Executive BoD Member
Born in 1965, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and holds a postgraduate degree in Busines Administration (MBA) from the University of Wales, Cardiff Business School. He has 30 years of working experience and has been professionally engaged in the field of Capital Markets in Greece since 1997. During the period 1997-2006 he held senior managerial positions in the Athens Exchanges. During the period 2006-2013 he worked as top executive in the Bank of Cyprus Group in Greece. Since 2014 he has been working in SOL Consulting S.A. Mr. Kyritsis participates as Non-Executive Independent Director in the Board of three companies in the recent years. In addition to his professional career, Mr. Kyritsis has a long institutional presence and experience having been elected Chair of the Association of Members of Athens Exchanges since 2015 and Vice-Chair of the Athens Exchanges Members Guarantee Fund since 2016. Since June 2021 he is an Independent Non-Executive Board Member and chair of the Audit Committee of the Company.
Chariklia D. Alexaki, Independent Non-Executive BoD Member
She is a graduate of the Department of Sociology at Boston College, holds a degree in Contemporary European History from New York University as well as work experience in the shipping industry and Marketing.
Anastassios - Ilias Triandaphyllidis, Non executive – independent BoD member.
He was born in Athens in 1934. Following his graduation from the Greek Naval Academy in 1954, he served in the Greek Naval Forces and was discharged with the grade of Vice-Admiral in 1985. Since then he worked with companies active in the energy and petroleum sector